It requires a shift in your strategy:
- A new ambition
- A change in focus
- A clearer way to stand out
- A strong set of capabilities
- A new way to work
It requires a shift in your strategy:
- A new ambition
- A change in focus
- A clearer way to stand out
- A strong set of capabilities
- A new way to work
You’re a CEO or C-suite executive taking on a new role, or looking for one, and facing:
- Exciting growth opportunities
- Complex customer dynamics
- A missing or incoherent strategy
- An underperforming leadership team
- Investors with high expectations
- A bureaucratic, undiverse culture
You want to be inspiring, inclusive, and compassionate. It’s going to take deep thinking. Hard choices. Concerted action. At pace.
But where do you start? And how do you master the mindsets and practices required?

You’re a CEO or C-suite executive taking on a new role, or looking for one, and facing:
- Exciting growth opportunities
- Complex customer dynamics
- A missing or incoherent strategy
- An underperforming leadership team
- Investors with high expectations
- A bureaucratic, undiverse culture
You want to be inspiring, inclusive, and compassionate. It’s going to take deep thinking. Hard choices. Concerted action. At pace.
But where do you start? And how do you master the mindsets and practices required?

We invite you to consider six big questions.
The service.
Strategy Shift is a service designed by David Lancefield to help you:
Create a space to do this extraordinary, stimulating and meaningful work — to make your strategy shifts.
Use leading edge frameworks, tools, and experiences to enhance your own.
Network with peers who have experienced a similar journey.
Find out more about the six stages: preparation, catalyst sessions, exercises, blueprints, nudges and invitations.
Expect revelations, opportunities, and multiplier effects. More energy, big challenges and real results.
CEOs and C-suite executives talk about the effect of Strategy Shift, and David Lancefield — how they have become higher-performing, more credible and confident executives, with stronger prospects.
Their organisations are transformed in terms of profit, reputation, and culture.
from consultants
We aim to inspire you with stimuli and experience, and empower you to reflect, think, and act. You’re in charge, you do the work. No large teams, big process, or big budget.
from coaches
More focused on value. More integrated with your organisation. More real.
from mentors
More open-minded. Centred on you (not them).
from you
New ways of thinking, experiencing, doing.
It’s not for everyone.
Our service isn’t right for you if:
- You have a fixed mindset and are unwilling to explore new possibilities
- You feel uncomfortable with challenge
- You know your plans but need validation
- You’re high maintenance and hard to work with

Let’s get started.
Five things will determine if we can work together.
Is your challenge demanding?
Is there sufficient value at stake?
Are you ready to reflect and learn?
Do we work well together?
Will you invest time and money?