Incisive. Engaging.
David Lancefield is The Strategy Coach. Curious, creative, and courageous. Intellect with intuition, reflection with action, compassion with clarity.
He has worked with more than 50 CEOs and hundreds of C-suite executives. He is a recognised thought leader on strategy, leadership, and culture, guest lecturer at London Business School, and a LinkedIn Top Voice.
For a sense of his interests, expertise, and style:
- Read his writing in HBR, MIT Sloan Review, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Strategy+Business and Fast Company.
- Take one of his courses where he describes the mindsets and practices of a strategic leader.
- Listen to (or watch) one of his Lancefield on the Line podcasts — conversations with the some of the world’s best executives, advisors, and management thinkers.
- Watch his intro video.

Tim Davie
Director-General (CEO), BBC
“David is excellent at knowing what makes organisations tick…based on a combination of a natural sense for the soul of an organisation blended with an ability to apply best practice from around the world.”

Anna Mallett
Vice-President, Physical Production (EMEA/UK), Netflix
“I have always found David to be thoughtful, articulate and insightful. His warm and collaborative style means he is a pleasure to work with and I have appreciated his wise counsel and advice over many years.”

François Ortalo-Magné
Dean & CEO, London Business School
“David listens, guides and follows up. He brings extensive experience of organisational transformations in complex settings to brighten the path and lighten the load.”

Lesley Titcomb
Former CEO, The Pensions Regulator
“David’s breadth of knowledge and experience, his ability to come at problems from many different angles, and his intuition about people and what drives them are really valuable.”

Tom Fussell
CEO, BBC Studios
“David’s high emotional intelligence means he is able to adapt to different organisational cultures to provide leaders with exceptional advice on enabling high performance with strategic clarity.”

Nitin Govila
Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, SVP APAC & MEA, Serge Ferrari Group
“Through David’s style of discussion, questioning and sharing, we were easily able to move from a helicopter view of strategic thinking to current operational issues.”

Ashley Chapman
CEO, inlumi
“He supported our organisation through the development of the strategy and the culture we want to have, and need to have, for the growth trajectory inlumi is on. David provides stimuli and perspectives that are practical and useful whilst leaving your hands, as CEO, firmly on the steering wheel.”

Umberto Callegari
CEO, Terre D’Oltrepro & La Versa
“David worked with me for almost a year at a very stimulating and successful (yet extremely challenging) moment of my career. David cares. And this is what makes him, beside his amazing skills and experience, a rare value to have next to you.”