Leading High-Stakes Meetings Masterclass Series

Picture this scenario

Benefits & results

Why join the wait-list?


Agnes Woolrich

Senior Vice-President, Mastercard

“The Leading High-Stakes Meetings masterclasses had an immediate positive impact on my everyday performance. The tools, tips and skills I’ve learned will continue to make me a much more effective meeting chair and participant, and therefore a more successful leader. A highly recommended investment for anyone wanting to drive more success out of their high-stakes meetings!”

Iain McCluskey

Partner, KPMG

“The Leading High-Stakes Meetings Masterclass Series is the best professional development course I have done to date. David is an incredible course leader, and delivered innovative, relevant content to a diverse and engaged group of business leaders. It has already transformed the way I prepare, execute, and follow up on high-stakes meetings internally, and with clients.”

Nitin Govila

C-suite leader & regional managing director

“I can confidently say this is a game-changer for any senior leader’s professional development, and helps you learn how to lead, manage, and participate in any high-stakes meeting. The masterclasses equipped me with the tools and strategies to navigate these situations with confidence and poise. David is very knowledgeable, and brings a wealth of real-world experience to the table.”

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What’s included


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About your masterclass leader


Leading High-Stakes Meetings Masterclass Series

Leading High-Stakes Meetings Masterclass Series

Imagine an important meeting at work: a board, C-suite, executive committee or leadership team meeting, a pitch to investors or clients, a tricky negotiation with a customer, or a steering group meeting for a major programme. What does it take to be at your best? Our group coaching masterclass series will help you answer this question.
Leading High-Stakes Meetings Masterclass Series

Leading High-Stakes Meetings Masterclass Series

Imagine an important meeting at work: a board, C-suite, executive committee or leadership team meeting, a pitch to investors or clients, a tricky negotiation with a customer, or a steering group meeting for a major programme. What does it take to be at your best? Our group coaching masterclass series will help you answer this question.
Strategic Leader

Strategic Leader

In this course, you’ll learn about the most important shifts in your mindsets and practice to become a strategic leader, and by the end, you’ll feel more confident and capable, ready to take on your next leadership challenge.

A selection of our C-suite clients

David Lancefield is published in